All programs offered in our website are PRBoA accredited with credit of 1.5 CPD units, in compliance with PRBoA guidelines.

You get an initial three months access for every module you enroll in.

Download our course list by clicking on the file below: 
90 CPD Units Course List for 2024.pdf

 * Completion reports are filed with the CPDAS at the end of every three-month program. Your training will be reflected in the CPDAS after the Completion Report is filed. Please note the following Completion Report filing dates when you plan your PRC application for license renewal or PRBoA accreditation. 


List of Programs for 2024
Please keep posted for more programs we will be adding in the coming  months.

Competence Area A: 45 units
Competence Area A: Anti-Money Laundering Series – Lesson 1
Competence Area A: Anti-Money Laundering Series – Lesson 2
Competence Area A: Anti-Money Laundering Series – Lesson 3
Competence Area A: Anti-Money Laundering Series – Lesson 4
Competence Area A: Anti-Money Laundering Series – Lesson 5
Competence Area A: Anti-Money Laundering Series – Lesson 6
Competence Area A: Anti-Money Laundering Series – Lesson 7
Competence Area A: Anti-Money Laundering Series – Lesson 8
Competence Area A: Blockchain Technology and the Accountancy Profession – Lesson 1
Competence Area A: Blockchain Technology and the Accountancy Profession – Lesson 2
Competence Area A: Cash Flow Management and Analysis– Lesson 1
Competence Area A: Cash Flow Management and Analysis– Lesson 2
Competence Area A: Cash Flow Management and Analysis– Lesson 3
Competence Area A: A Comparison of IFRS and US GAAP – Lesson 1
Competence Area A: A Comparison of IFRS and US GAAP – Lesson 2
Competence Area A: Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes – Lesson 1
Competence Area A: Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes – Lesson 2
Competence Area A: Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes – Lesson 3
Competence Area A: Introduction to Inventory Management
Competence Area A: Overview of Internal Control
Competence Area A: Root Cause Analysis
Competence Area A: Stock Market Investing and Fundamental Analysis for Equity Investments
Competence Area A: Technical Analysis for Financial Markets
Competence Area A: Understanding Data Privacy Law – Lesson 1
Competence Area A: Understanding Data Privacy Law – Lesson 2
Competence Area A: Understanding Corporate Governance - Lesson 1
Competence Area A: Understanding Corporate Governance - Lesson 2
Competence Area A: Understanding Value Added Tax Under the TRAIN and CREATE  Laws - Lesson 1
Competence Area A: Understanding Value Added Tax Under the TRAIN and CREATE Laws - Lesson 2
Competence Area A: Withholding Taxes Under TRAIN and CREATE Laws
Competence Area B: 39 units
Competence Area B: Building Client Relationships Through Salesmanship Skills – Lesson 1
Competence Area B: Building Client Relationships Through Salesmanship Skills – Lesson 2
Competence Area B: Business Dining Etiquette for Professionals
Competence Area B: Business Etiquette in Different Cultures – Lesson 1
Competence Area B: Business Etiquette in Different Cultures – Lesson 2
Competence Area B: Conducting Facilitative Meetings – Lesson 1
Competence Area B: Conducting Facilitative Meetings – Lesson 2
Competence Area B: Conflict Management and Resolution - Lesson 1
Competence Area B: Conflict Management and Resolution - Lesson 2
Competence Area B: Developing the Culture of Service Excellence for CPAs
Competence Area B: Emotional Intelligence - Lesson 1
Competence Area B: Emotional Intelligence - Lesson 2
Competence Area B: Leadership Skills – Lesson 1
Competence Area B: Leadership Skills – Lesson 2
Competence Area B: Leadership Skills – Lesson 3
Competence Area B: Leadership Skills – Lesson 4
Competence Area B: Negotiation Skills - Lesson 1
Competence Area B: Negotiation Skills - Lesson 2
Competence Area B: Principles of Management
Competence Area B: Public Speaking and Presentation Skills for Professionals – Lesson 1
Competence Area B: Public Speaking and Presentation Skills for Professionals – Lesson 2
Competence Area B: The Plan-Do-Check-Act Approach to Problem Solving in Business - Lesson 1
Competence Area B: The Plan-Do-Check-Act Approach to Problem Solving in Business - Lesson 2
Competence Area B: The Plan-Do-Check-Act Approach to Problem Solving in Business - Lesson 3
Competence Area B: Total Quality Management - Lesson 1
Competence Area B: Total Quality Management - Lesson 2
Competence Area C: 6 units
Competence Area C: Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants - Fundamental Principles and the Conceptual Framework
Competence Area C: Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants - Threats and Safeguards
Competence Area C: Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in Business
Competence Area C: Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants - Updates
Total Units: 90 units

69 CPD-Unit Bundle
75 CPD-Unit Bundle
Understanding Corporate Governance - Bundle (3 CPD Units)
A Comparison of IFRS and US GAAP - Bundle (3 CPD Units)

69 CPD Units in Small Bundles/Modules
43.5 CPD BUNDLE – Competence Areas A, B and C
7.5 CPD BUNDLE – PDCA and Negotiation Skills
3 CPD Units - Total Quality Management Bundle
1.5 CPD Units - Withholding Taxes Under TRAIN and CREATE Laws
1.5 CPD Units – Overview of Internal Control
6 CPD Units - Anti-Money Laundering Series - Lessons 1-4
6 CPD Units - Anti-Money Laundering Series - Lessons 5-8

Other Bundles
Leadership Skills - Bundle
Emotional Intelligence - Bundle
15 CPD Bundle - Set 1
15 CPD Bundle - Set 2