PRC and BoA Accredited

Accelera is a CPD provider accredited by the Philippine Regulatory Board of Accountancy (PRBoA) - with Accreditation No. 2017-133. You can be confident about Accelera’s training programs. All our modules are BoA accredited and listed at PRC's official website.  Want to verify our programs with the PRC? Click here.   

Our Online Programs

Our seminars are all prerecorded- video format. You can access them 24/7 anytime - through a laptop, iPad or smartphone connected to regular internet - over an access period of 3 months. 

For more information on the topics, course content and instructor details, click here. 

PRICING: Our packaged modules are priced at P100/unit.

CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION: You get your certificates instantly upon course completion.  These are accepted and processed by PRC the same manner as accredited live seminars. Same requirements, same processing time. Learn how it works here.

Our Vision

At Accelera , we believe that Continuing Professional Development can be an enjoyable and fulfilling endeavor. We want professionals to have easy access to high-quality education that will keep them up-to-date and competitive in a fast-changing global economy and workplace.

Whether you’re in a corporate setting, working from home, working abroad or maybe just taking it slow to enjoy life - you can get continuing education in bite-sized pieces, accessible to you anytime, anywhere you are in the world.

With Accelera, continuing professional education can be an everyday experience. 

Because learning shouldn’t be a burden but a delight. 

It should be a joy that leads to growth, excellence, fulfillment and a progressive society.